Thursday, November 12, 2009

Book Eight: Tracy Hogg, Melinda Blau "Secrets of the baby whisperer for toddlers"


Hello again!I started a new book about toddlers. That's actually the second part of "Baby whisperer" which was for infants. The book as the previous one is excellent. It emphasizes that you have a (not so) new little person at home that should be treated with kindness and respect.It helps to build a good relationship with a baby and teaches how to be the best guide you can be.

I haven't finished listening to the Cd's yet. Strangely enough it's taking me the longest. During the last week I had the weirdest foot injury ever and I can't go for walks with Nataniel now. It all happened last Friday. I was watching a comedy "The ugly truth" with my husband and when I got up my foot started to hurt. Apparently it was a sign that I shouldn't watch lousy movies anymore. Nik and I thought that the movie was like a slap in the face and a total waste of time. Next time I will have to apply a better screening process so there will be no injuries anymore.

Oh, I can't wait to read my new book. We picked it up yesterday with Nataniel in the library. It looks really promising.

As for the beetroot cake (Scarlet-speckled loaf cake) update it turned out really really good. No beetroot aftertaste. A delicious way to add up to your afternoon cup of tea.

Two days ago I baked the easiest cake ever: Spruced up vanilla cake. You simply put all the ingredients into the food processor to mix and ...that's it, really!. I didn't use the mountain shaped cake tin so it looked pretty ordinary...and to be honest the taste wasn't really thing. I know I know I read the instructions it was supposed to be just simple cake like Polish Easter "Babka Wielkanocna". Don't get me wrong the cake was still very good...I'm just more into more moisture and more flavour.

PS. I enclose a picture of the Red salad as promised. You can find it in the previous post.

PS 2. Nik is taking all these amazing pictures and all credit for lightening up my blog goes to him.

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